
We have  a small garden area to the side of the school which is used to educate children on nature and the environment.  All the children in the school are going to be involved in some aspect of the school garden between now and June. They might be for example sowing seeds, planting up window boxes, growing vegetables or setting bulbs.
In addition we hope to give all the children tours of the school garden so that they can see the plants at various stages of development.    The highlight for many pupils is a chance to taste their produce later in the year thanks to Miss Gavin’s cookery skills.

We are always looking for adult volunteers to help out in the garden. Parents, grandparents, older brothers or sisters or past pupils, all are welcome. We’d love to have you join us for whatever time you can spare. If your green fingers are itching contact the Parents Group or Miss Gavin and we’ll fit you in.

A Report from our Gardeners